Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We had the opportunity to gig last weekend during an open house art show at Sugarhouse coffee. It was most inspiring and we were glad to have been invited. WHile the many faces of people gazed at teh colorful interpretations on the wall, Kinfolk played "naked" and had a ball. Naked meaning, no PA! We performed our music in a subtle background fashion for the artists and patrons and gained the experience e could have only hoped for during the hustle. this gig makes us giggle our way into a few up coming shows, we kinda like playing "naked"... perhaps our next one we shall do just that!!

Borrowed Earth Emporium April 23rd 2011@ 6 pm, all ages
Millions of Kisses foundation May 7th@ 6 pm, all ages
Ricochet House Concerts May 25th@ 6 pm, all ages

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