Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A game of catch up...

This life is fast and Boy I boy just when I think I have caught up I look up to enjoy the view and woopsy I do, I trip on the remains of my procrastination pile. The good news about this is that this particular pile i claim as mine very own is not going anywhere with out me! so as fast as life goes it really knows I am the only way to proceed to put that pretty little pile in its proper place, no matter how turtle like the doing of my work.

And so onward ever onward toward the main goal here, music = love = wildfire
Keep on moving along and spreading the soul of
This song of mine. yes, I must, it keeps me happy.

Celebrating the success all the while.
Earth Song my 2001 original song, was chosen to be included on an earthday compilation put together by a friend and musical talent Mary Danzig. What a great way to celebrate music and earth! I am grateful for the hard work that went into the making of this album! This month i have had oppurtunity to perform at earthday celebrations and promotion concerts along side Mary her husband Peter and the other artist who's songs are featured. It has been most memorable as well as inspiring.

Finally as I have suggested several times in posts and blogs over the years, I am working on my album! Yes, it's true, actually as I have organized and reviewed the recordings, some self produced and others co-produced, I should have released or rather could have released 3 full albums by now. My mentors and managers are telling me, do it now, so ok! In the works for realsy and with my accountability buddies I shall share my craft one album at a time and then next and in between a finally finished web site full of my doings of music and yoga. These are the things I must expose and allow to bloom in order for these roots to grow deeper. I get that, weeds up rooted and a soul song planted long ago growing a little bigger with ever scary thing proposed. Yep scary, I get the nerves when projecting my presence upon stage, I don't know if they will ever go away, friendly little butterfly's I have swallowed ( a belly full ) :) so, now that you are in the loop, and Do my best I do to keep you there, I must recharge my spirit with a sweet little savasana and then get busy.

In gratitude and goodness
Your gal on geetar

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